Palma de Mallorca Airport
Check-in at the airport

The check-in process, or check-in, indicates to the airline with which the passenger has to travel, that the traveler has taken the last step to take the flight and is ready to board.
Verify on arrival at the airport which check-in counter is designated for your airline and flight on the information screens. On the information panels flights are indicated by their scheduled departure time, indicating the time, flight code and airline, destination, check-in counters assigned to check in your baggage, and the corresponding boarding gate when assigned.
After check-in, it is strongly recommended that while waiting for your flight, check the flight data due to possible last minute changes at the gate or at the departure time.
Once your luggage has been checked in at the check-in counter, you will be given your boarding pass, which will also show you the Module and the boarding gate. The boarding gate will also be displayed on the information panels as your flight's departure time approaches. Do not hesitate to consult the staff at the information and check-in counters if you have any questions.
To avoid queues at the time of airport check-in, many companies allow online check-in in advance, from your home, office or mobile device. Besides, some companies have installed self check-in machines in the Passenger Terminal at Palma airport: Air Europa (level 2).
Check-in and boarding: keep in mind
The passenger should be at the check-in counter at least with:
For No Schengen flights: 3 hours prior the departure scheduled time.
For Schengen and domestic flights: 2 hours prior the departure scheduled time.
Note that there might be many people at peak travel periods or special event dates.
Keep an eye on the information panels, as there may exceptionally occur last-minute changes.
Please make sure that you carry all of your belongings with you before leave the check-in counter: personal documents, boarding pass and ID or passport.
Once you have finished the check-in process and get the Boarding Pass, please head to the corresponding boarding gate through the security controls -to check the necessary documents and if there is any prohibited items in your hand luggage-, checkpoints located on the two floors of the Departures hall (access Module B by level 2, and access Modules A, C, D, by level 4).
Check the necessary documents and prohibited items in hand luggage to access the boarding area and your flight.
Boarding gates at the airport.
Would you like to skip the security checkpoint queues? Fast Lane reduce boarding time and allows you to reach the boarding area or VIP lounges earlier.
Check in online
It is available 24-48 hours before the flight departure time and it closes 1-2 hours before departure. This system allow the airline to confirm the passenger assistance to the flight, and in most cases, the passenger can select the seat on the plane.
If you think your bags will exceed the baggage allowance, some airlines let you pre-purchase additional baggage allowance while check-in online. The excess baggage rates are lower during this process than in the airport counters.
How does the check-in online?
Visit the website of your airline and identify yourself as a user. Sometimes is enough with the flight locator and the surname of the passenger. Follow the instructions of the check-in online page to print the boarding pass, or receive this information on your mobile as a Bar Coded Boarding Pass -or BCBP. The use it to print the boarding pass in the self-check-in machines at the airport.

The mobile boarding pass
The Bar Coded Boarding Pass or mobile boarding pass is an image with a 2D code that contains all the essential data of the flight and the passenger, in a readable form for the self-check-in machines. It is given by the airline in the last step of the check-in online.
Check-in counters and boarding gates
Passenger Terminal - Palma airport
Check-in counters
Departures hall, level 2.
204 domestic and international check-in counters, distributed in 6 areas: level 2.
12 of them are special baggage check-in counters: level 2.
- Zone A: check-in desks from 1 to 34. Special baggage desk: 1 and 34.
- Zone B: check-in desks from 35 to 68. Special baggage desk: 35 and 68.
- Zone C: check-in desks from 69 to 102. Special baggage desk: 69 and 102.
- Zone D: check-in desks from 103 to 136. Special baggage desk: 103 and 136.
- Zone E: check-in desks from 137 to 170. Special baggage desk: 137 and 170.
- Zone F: check-in desks from 171 to 204. Special baggage desk: 171 and 204.
Self check-in Air Europa (level 2).
Security and passport controls
The security controls are located on level 2 and level 4 of the Passenger Terminal Departures hall, depending on which boarding module you must go (access to Module B by level 2, and access to Modules A, C, D by level 4).
As a safety all passengers must go through security checks before entering the boarding area, and on certain occasions, before boarding the aircraft. It is a common process at all airports crossing through a metal detector. Also, the security staff can order the user to remove the shoes and take out bulky clothes.
Hand luggage and everything you carry will be verified through an X-ray machine. Staff will ask you to deposit the items carried on trays placed for that purpose. laptops and tablets should be removed from their carrying cases. Devices batteries must be sufficiently charged, at least to can be start.
Depending on the destination of your flight you must pass a new security and passport control before boarding.
Boarding area and boarding gates

Boarding area
The boarding area of the passenger terminal has two independent floors. From level 0 there is access to Boarding Module B, with its boarding gates, and from level 4 there is access to Modules A, C, D, also with their boarding gates. You can find more information on the following tabs on this page.
Boarding gates
The Boarding gates are distributed throughout four independent boarding modules (Modules A , B, C, D). You can find more information on the following tabs on this page.
The airport has a total of 86 numbered Boarding gates (69 physical, some with double or triple numeration) throughout the four Boarding Modules, and a total of 25 fingers or jet bridges.
Module A - Palma airport
Check-in counters
As part of one of the airport boarding areas, Module A does not have check-in desks. The check-in desks are located in the lobby of the Passenger Terminal Departures.
Security and passport controls
As part of one of the airport boarding areas, Module A does not have security checkpoints . The security control is located before accessing this Module, in the 4th level of the Hall of Departures of the Passenger Terminal.
However, depending on the destination of your flight, you may need to pass an additional security control and / or passport control.
Boarding area and boarding gates

Boarding area
The boarding area of Module A consists of 2 floors -level 0 and level 1-, and it disposes all the services needed for passengers. You can consult this services at Palma airport Terminals and Modules section.
Module A can only be accessed from the 4th level of the Passenger Terminal, prior to the security controls, and after passport controls.
Boarding gates
The boarding gates of Module A are distributed along its two floors.
- Level 0: 6 Boarding gates with the following numbering: A01-A02, A03-A04, A05-A06, A23-A24, A25-A26 and A27-A28 (Total, 12 Boarding gates numbered).
- Level 1: 8 Boarding gates with jet bridge and with the following numbering: A8, A10-A11, A12-A13, A14, A16-A17, A18-A19, A20-A21 and A22 (Total, 13 Boarding gates numbered).
Module B - Palma airport
Check-in counters
As part of one of the airport boarding areas, Module B does not have check-in desks. The check-in desks are located in the lobby of the Passenger Terminal Departures.
Security and passport controls
As part of one of the airport boarding areas, Module B does not have security checkpoints. The security control is located before accessing this Module, in the 2nd level of the Hall of Departures of the Passenger Terminal.
However, depending on the destination of your flight you may need to pass an additional security control and/or passport control.
Boarding area and boarding gates

Boarding area
The boarding area of Module B consists of 2 floors -level 0 and level 1-, and it disposes all the services needed for passengers. You can consult this services at Palma airport Terminals and Modules section.
Module B can only be accessed from the 2nd level of the Passenger Terminal, prior to the security controls.
Boarding gates
The boarding gates of Module A are distributed along its level 0.
Level 0: 8 Boarding gates with the following numbering: B30, B31, B32, B33, B34, B35, B36 and B37.
The Boarding gates of Module B are on ground-level, so the module does not have jet bridge.
Module C - Palma airport
Check-in counters
As part of one of the airport boarding areas, Module C does not have check-in desks. The check-in desks are located in the lobby of the Passenger Terminal Departures.
Security and passport controls
As part of one of the airport boarding areas, Module C does not have security checkpoints . The security control is located before accessing this Module, in the 4th level of the Hall of Departures of the Passenger Terminal.
However, depending on the destination of your flight, you may need to pass an additional security control and / or passport control.
Boarding area and boarding gates

Boarding area
The boarding area of Module C has a single floor -level 0 and level 1-, and it disposes of all the services needed for passengers. You can consult them at Palma airport Terminals and Modules section.
Module C can only be accessed from the 4th level of the Passenger Terminal, prior to the security controls, and after passport controls.
Boarding gates
The boarding gates of Module B are distributed along its level 1.
Level 1: 27 Boarding gates with the following numbering: C38, C39-C39B, C40, C41-C42, C43-C44, C45-C46, C48, C50, C52, C54, C55, C56, C57, C58, C59, C60, C61, C62, C63, C64, C65, C66, C67, C68, C69A, C69B and C71-C72-C73 (total 33 Boarding gates numbered).
17 of these Boarding gates have a jet bridge.
Module D - Palma airport
Check-in counters
As part of one of the airport boarding areas, Module D does not have check-in desks. The check-in desks are located in the lobby of the Passenger Terminal Departures.
Security and passport controls
As part of one of the airport boarding areas, Module C does not have security checkpoints . The security control is located before accessing this Module, in the 4th level of the Hall of Departures of the Passenger Terminal.
However, depending on the destination of your flight you may need to pass an additional security control and/or passport control.
Boarding area and boarding gates

Boarding area
The boarding area of Module B consists of 2 floors -level 0 and level 1-, and it disposes of all the services needed for passengers. You can consult them at Palma airport Terminals and Modules section.
Module D can only be accessed from the 4th level of the Passenger Terminal, prior to the security controls, and after passport controls.
Boarding gates
The boarding gates of Module D are distributed along with its level 1.
Level 1: 20 boarding gates with the following numbering: D80, D81, D82, D83, D84, D85, D86, D87, D88, D89, D90, D91, D92, D93, D94, D95, D96, D97, D98 and D99.
10 of these boarding gates have a jet bridge.
Boardings using boarding gates odd-numbered are carried out by shuttle bus.
Further information
About the boarding area at
About the check-in process at