Palma Mallorca

Palma de Mallorca Airport

Palma de Mallorca weather and forecast

Palma de Mallorca airport weather conditions and forecast.

Palma de Mallorca

Palma de Mallorca has a mild Mediterranean climate, a type of temperate wet-dry climate (Csa) typical of the surrounding areas of the Mediterranean Sea. It is characterized by mild and rainy winters and dry and hot or temperate summers, with variable autumns and springs, both in temperatures and rainfall.

According to the Köppen climate classification, Palma's climate is subtropical Mediterranean in general, with the city having a Csa climate, with an average temperature of 18.2 °C (64 °F). On the outskirts of the city is located the airport of Palma, which has BSk climate (cold semi-arid climate with rainfall less than 400 mm/year).

Weather data from Aemet